Acne Bootcamp

Face Reality's Acne Bootcamp uses a comprehensive approach to target acne from the source. With a combination of a custom skincare regimen and a series of bi-weekly or monthly treatments, we work to clear your existing breakouts while preventing future breakouts from forming. Acne Bootcamp has over a 90% success rate of clearing acne within 3-6 months.

Acne Bootcamp New Client

Consultation and Treatment

Face Reality’s Acne Bootcamp is ideal for those who struggle with acne and want real results. During your initial consultation we will discuss what acne is, details about your specific case, lifestyle factors that could be causing breakouts, and your customized Face Reality Skincare regimen. We will then perform your first treatment that includes a skin sensitivity test, advanced exfoliation, extractions, LED Light Therapy and High Frequency. You will receive an information packet to help you through your clearing journey. Bi-weekly treatments or check-ins are required for 3-6 months during your clearing journey. There is a 90% success rate with Acne Bootcamp.

*Prepare to spend ~ $200 for your initial recommended skincare regimen. 

90 minutes | $150

Acne Bootcamp Returning Client


Professional acne treatment for those who are in Acne Bootcamp. Bi-weekly treatments or check-ins are required every 2 weeks for 3-6 months. This treatment includes advanced exfoliation, extractions, LED Light Therapy/Cold Plasma. 

*Cannot be booked without a consultation prior. 

30 minutes | $90